I am very proud to have been a member of the first class at Hampshire, entering in the fall of 1970, graduating in 1974. My odd-looking diploma, on gray paper, with its uppercase lettering, stills hangs in my office.
I have often thought that the college was ours before we were the college’s – with apologies to Robert Frost.
Now, with the 40th anniversary upon us, and the college planning a reunion, I am conflicted about whether or not to attend. I went to the 10th, the 15th, the 20th, and the 30th reunions. Now, it seems that the law of diminishing returns applies. The more you seek to return to places of strong memories, the quicker they disappear in the sunlight of current time. It can be graphed as an inverse relationship.
To attend the reunion, they’re asking for a $145 fee – as well as another $85 for a slow-cooked gourmet dinner, and $100 for an outsourced published guide to all the graduates from the school. It’s more than I can afford, quite frankly.
As a sign of my own aging, I have three 40th anniversaries this year to choose or not to attend – my high school’s, Hampshire’s, Earth Day (I worked with Environmental Action between 1982-1985). There may be possibly a fourth – the Urban Mitzvah Corps in New Jersey, of which I was a co-founder.
By serendipity, in early May 1985, I happened to be in St. Petersburg (then Leningrad) when Russia (then the Soviet Union) celebrated the 40th anniversary of the end of World War II. By the Neva River, as ice chunks breaking up from Lake Ladoga flowed toward the sea, I saw four old soldiers embrace in hugs, tears streaming down their faces. They had survived.
I wish I could summon even a small bit of that heartfelt emotion for my years of service and survival at Hampshire College. But, the only contact in the last decade I have had with the school is the regular, impersonal appeals for money they send to me, which I promptly toss into the circular file.
Of course, I have stories to tell. My dinner in 1971 with John D. Rockefeller III, at an organic duck farm in Belchertown, eating a moose meat stew (one of the folks who lived at the farm was an undercover policeman in Maine, and the meat came from an illegally poached moose), discussing the Vietnam War with him. I had just returned with a group of Hampshire College students (we had driven down in the Outdoors Program VW bus) from anti-war protest in Washington, D.C. The dinner was a gathering of what was called the Connecticut Valley Committee, and I was one of Hampshire College’s representatives, and we were discussing the progress being made with how to use Rockefeller’s $25,000 gift to improve the environmental quality of the Connecticut River.
It’s a wonderful story – a classic Hampshire College tale. I may write it up as my next post. But, it seems, no one at Hampshire these days is very interested.
I have not heard from any former faculty or students in years. Rhode Island, it seems, is often considered an outpost, a bump in the road on the way between New York City and Boston by Hampshire’s elite. This year, I did write a card when a fellow first-year’s father died; it was never acknowledged. There is a former 1970 classmate who lives in the same town, but our contact is limited to a brief hello at an occasional town meeting. So it goes.
I thought I would share an excerpt from a larger work-in-progress, called “A Fate Accomplished,” which in part explains why I didn’t attend the 25th reunion, and why I am not sure I will attend the 40th reunion.
ON THE WEEKEND OF MY 25th COLLEGE REUNION, I helped move my father from his New Jersey home of 32 years to an assisted care facility in Massachusetts. It’s hardly an event that the alumni office would ever feature in its next bulletin touting the achievement of graduates, with its cheery, confident tone about the future.
Richard Asinof writes: “I recently earned an advanced degree in family dysfunction, collaborating with my sister to pack up and move my father and his second wife to an independent living apartment because they could no longer take care of themselves.”
Nor would I be likely to send in a photograph of my father as a show-and-tell of my success, capturing that awkward moment of our arrival the weekend of the move. As if posed for a new, suburban version of American Gothic, my father sat, angry and defiant, legs crossed, on a wooden kitchen chair, halfway between the house and the street on the front flagstone walk. Unshaven and ungroomed, his hair stood up, Alfalfa-style, and his mouth hung slackjaw, a cigarette in his hand with an inch of ash dangling.
Since his stroke that February (which the doctor first misdiagnosed as a heart problem), one of my sisters and I had been alternating weekends traveling to New Jersey.
Like a United Nations peace-keeping force, we had been forced to intervene in a strange and distant land where we were not necessarily welcome. Our mission: To manage my father’s life, and by default, the life of his second wife, a choice we had been avoiding for as long as we could.
For months, we had struggled against the inevitable: taking full responsibility for their lives. The actual metamorphosis from being our father’s children to serving in loco parentis for him occurred on a weekend visit to New Jersey in April, during a brief, 30-second exchange worthy of an unfunny television sitcom.
I had noticed that the front end of my father's car was damaged, and asked, as nonchalantly as possible, “What happened, Dad?”
“I ran into the bank,” he replied
“You ran into the bank?”
“Yeah. I ran into the bank. I hit the accelerator instead of the brake.”
My sisters and I could cope with the lost checkbooks. We could cringe at the unpaid bills and the unopened mail, be disgusted by the rancid milk in the refrigerator, and be frustrated by the missing wallet. We could openly worry about the cigarette burns on the carpet. But the image of my father careening out of control in his automobile was more than we could bear.
In April 1980, my father and mother had been in a head-on collision on the Tappan Zee Bridge. My mother was killed instantly; my father was severely injured.
In the aftermath of that tragedy, my two sisters and I had healed to some degree, slowly moving ahead with our lives. (In therapy, I had said: “ ... when my parents were killed in a car accident,” and my therapist, ever alert, pointed out that my father was still alive. “Not to me, he wasn’t,” I responded, almost too quickly. In my unconscious world, he – and my family – had clearly not survived.)
My father gave some outward appearances of healing, too. He had remarried, three years after the accident, to a woman he began dating just a few months after the accident. Her husband, also named Stanley, had been killed in a car accident, and she had been badly injured. It was a co-dependent match made in heaven.
And, with money from the insurance settlement for the accident, he had financial security, a security that had eluded him since his father had liquidated the family business two decades before. The fact was that he was deeply depressed did not surprise us. At first, we cajoled my father to get professional help. He ignored us. And so, year after year, we became witnesses, if not accomplices, as our former home disintegrated into an island of denial – and cigarette smoke.
First it was the dining room that became filled with boxes, cardboard tops of a case of beer my father picked up for free at the grocery stores, loaded up with endless piles of papers, all very important, often with lists of things to do filled out. Next it was the den, then the living room, then the spare bedroom, then the upstairs bedroom, then the breakfast room floor.
By 1995, when we intervened and took over my father’s life, there were literally thousands of boxes everywhere. We threw out, before we rented a dumpster, more than 600 bags filled with the stuff contained in these boxes.
Indeed, many of these were actually “important” papers, and we likened our search to a scavenger hunt. There was: uncashed checks, some dating back to 1981; stock certificates and bonds; and my father’s missing will. (It turned out that the lawyer who had drawn up my father’s will had died, and his firm had turned my father’s will over to another firm for safekeeping. In the middle of a stack of unanswered mail we discovered a letter explaining the circumstances, dated nine years earlier, asking my father to direct the second law firm on what to do with his will.)
Each new discovery brought a wave of anger and of sadness and of shame. We were angry that we were being forced to clean up the excrement of his life. We were sad that so much of what we had once believed about our father – and our family – should be proven not to be true. And, we were dreadfully ashamed to admit that he was, indeed, our father, and that we were related to someone that irresponsible. There was also the underlying fear that one day we might turn out to be just like him.
Worse, there was the revulsion of how disgusting the house had become. Everything – every book, every piece of furniture, every lamp, every piece of paper, every wall, every painting, every towel – was covered with a thick brown patina of nicotine, the result of two people chain-smoking for 15 years without ever really opening the windows or thoroughly cleaning the house.
Everywhere we found the signs of his serious depression. The bulletin board near the phone still had a list of important phone numbers, in my mother’s handwriting, to people mostly now dead. The same dried flowers in the antique blue pots had stayed on the breakfast room wall for 15 years. Then there were the files of my mother that hadn’t been touched since she died. We had been transported to Miss Haversham’s room, and we were aghast to find our father’s day and birthday cards and presents to him in the same boxes of unopened mail. (My father, during a brief cogent moment during the move, in a kind of mea culpa, explained to me that he kept all these things the way they were because he didn’t want my mother to disappear from his life.)
My father’s second wife, who subsequently underwent treatment as a drug addict for abusing painkillers, spent most of these years in a drug-induced delirium. She was always in pain, always for some exotic illness, and graphic in the description of the various ailments of her bowels and intestines and stomach. We often wondered why my father stayed with her. The answer, apparently, is the punch line to a Woody Allen joke about the guy who stays in a relationship with a chicken – because he needs the eggs. The night before the move, deep in Percoset land, she prattled on, telling me about her recent conversation “with little baby Jesus” while I packed her belongings….
Now, I’m sure that all this doesn’t count for much in the annals of alumni accomplishments. I wish I could say that without the benefit of the unique college education I received, none of this would have been accomplished. That the living-learning philosophy imbued in me by my education provided the insight to understand and cope with my father’s disintegration.
So, it’s not surprising that I am often conflicted about how to respond when my alma mater sends its fund-raising appeals amid the glossy bulletins describing the achievements of graduates. My story – my life – never seems to be able to fit in.
“There are all types of stories about the way alumni are helping to change the world,” declared a letter, announcing plans for the 30th college reunion. “Please feel free to let us know if you have ideas about individual alums or general stories that might be of interest to the media.”
My story is not one that will ever be chosen and retold in order to market the success of the college as measured by the accomplishments of its graduates. It is not a work of art that can be displayed in a gallery. It is not a movie that will receive words of praise by a reviewer. It is not a tale upon which the college will be able to build its endowment. I have created no wealth, fame or status worthy of harvesting by the college – in the college’s value judgment.
But it is a life filled with value and meaning and challenge. It is a story, I suspect, that may resonate with many.
In the four years between our forceful intervention in my father's life and his eventual death, my life was mostly about raising a family while saying a long goodbye to my father – and all the crucial interactions and life forces that come into play. Falling behind in paying the monthly bills, taking on free-lance work to make ends meet. Trying – and sometimes failing – to be a good father and a supportive husband. Trying to have another baby and then coping with miscarriage. Shredding my Achilles tendon. Scraping, sanding, washing, sanding, priming and painting the clapboards in front of the house one summer. Walking my son to school in the morning and being late for work. Coping with our 100-pound dog whose kneecaps on his back legs eroded congenitally and had to be repaired, one at a time. Putting together a group of citizens to try and prevent a farm from being swallowed up by developers, only to have the group dissolve in bitterness. Being talked into running for town council and losing. Selling a second house that was a rental property (where the tenant committed herself after a weekend of binge drinking, resulting in her father removing her belongings from the house under my supervision). Having my boss fired at work, having her replacement removed six months later, then having the firm's president resign in scandal.
And, of course, spending most of my free time on weekends dealing with my father’s latest crisis.
These were the things that made up my day-to-day existence for the last few years. But, it’s hard to imagine that they would ever fit in the larger-than-life sketches of accomplishments that fill up the alumni reports from my college.
Nowhere in our society – which is driven by the need to perform for status and accolades and achievement and outrageous accomplishment – do we recognize and celebrate the small, everyday routines that make up our lives….
This past winter, I went to a memorial service for a colleague’s wife in Shelburne Falls. Thirty-five years ago, I had once lived across the river, in Buckland, in an old cape, taking graduate courses at the University of Massachusetts and working nights at Zelda’s as a cook. Today, Shelburne Falls is a tourist destination; when I lived there, it was a hardscrabble place, the storefronts and houses in disrepair, where darkness and violence were never far from the surface.
It was very much like being a ghost and returning, there were so many people from my former lifetimes. A copy editor who once sat at the next desk to me at the local daily, a lawyer from a firm for which I regularly did communications work. And, there was a former neighbor from Montague Center with whom I was arrested at Seabrook. The woman sitting in front of me was a former Hampshire College student and a former housemate at a farmhouse in North Amherst; we hadn’t seen each other in 36 years.
The memorial celebration was an uplifting event, filled with song and words. I am still hopeful that the 40th reunion at Hampshire may prove to be so, too, even if I am ghost-like there, too. But, as the lyrics go from Mel Brooks theme song for the movie, “The Twelve Chairs,” hope for the best, expect the worst.
After reading this, I feel also, what a shame that life experiences like these are not deemed valuable by society, summed up best by this last paragraph:
ReplyDelete"Nowhere in our society – which is driven by the need to perform for status and accolades and achievement and outrageous accomplishment – do we recognize and celebrate the small, everyday routines that make up our lives…."
For myself coming from a road that was winding with many obstacles. These things make us stronger and enable us to ride out the trials of life that would otherwise incapacitate. Why is it that approval, success, and accomplishments are measured by so few criteria?
I, too, have a reunion coming up, and I have reflected on what did I really learn of value in that small, quiet, top-of-the-hill, serene place where, as a psychology major I spent more of my time reading Hesse and Machiavelli and Sartre. It was nearly four years of respite from a home of quiet and hidden drama. It would be followed by years of quiet and hidden drama. So, had the respite and intellectual pursuit of those years made it better for me to cope with the past and stop the future from repeating the ill-learned lessons of that past. I think it did. I think it had everything to do with it. As I think your time did, too. You changed your life's direction...and when your future needed coping and changing you were better able to do so because your were bolstered for the battle. "I ran into the bank..." - a simple, beautiful line, full of meaning and the calm humor it contains. Humor is purposeful. As is a mind that has been fine tuned. Is a liberal arts education about training us? To do what? Write the great American novel? Map the genome? Our children, in being told that it's all about 'getting a good job' have lost the pursuit of getting a good mind. So, maybe your school would like to hear a discourse on that - after all, with attributes to a TV ad showing eggs frying in a pan, "a mind is a terrible thing to waste".